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Wrong Duke! |
It was that night where I could not sleep when I first discovered you. I remember it almost as if it were yesterday. Nels Christenson had once again provided us with a gift of four avocados from the Bacon Avocado tree growing in his side yard. The wife that is Venus once again remarked how much she would like an avocado tree for our yard.
It was that night -- or very early that morning. Do you recall? Frustrated by years of attempting to grow avocados in the Bird Back 40, and watching all slowly turn black and die from the December frosts that coated our backyard, I sat at the computer as I am now and started this journey.
This is how I found "The Duke."
As I sat at my computer that morning, I entered the familiar Google search terms of "avocado" and "cold weather variety." Up popped the same results. The Bacon Avocado, the Mexicola, Mexicola Grande and Fuerte. I was disappointed. This wasn't what I wanted. I've tried all four of these varieties. All four aren't as "cold weather tolerant" as advertised. They kick off at the first hint of frost. Wasn't there anything else out there? Anything at all?
Venus Under "The Duke" Avocado Tree |
It was -- at that point -- frustrated by years of searching and failure that I decided to change my search terms. Instead of "cold weather varieties," I entered the terms of "avocado" and "freeze." That did it. Up popped a bevy of new entries and results about avocados that I'd never seen before. And, in each entry, a name kept repeating itself. Over and over again.
"The Duke Avocado," I wondered? "I've never heard of The Duke." Curiosity got the best of me. I clicked on the first search term result, a 1963 report from the Avocado Yearbook. 1963 was the year I was born. This was one very old report. I was surprised to find it online. I was even more enchanted by the story that was about to unfold.
The Duke Avocado is one of the oldest varieties to be grown extensively on the West Coast. It's ancestral home is near Bangor, located in Butte County, on the grounds of the old Sunnyslope Nursery. It was there, in the middle of nowhere, where a crazy old man by the name of "Mr. Benedict" began planting avocado seeds by the hundreds in 1912. Not much is known about this man, not even his first name, but the nursery appeared to be a big, fat failure.
The Duke |
It would soon fall into disrepair and be abandoned. The old nursery site and the land around it would later be purchased by a "Mr. Hornung," who used the land for pasture purposes. But Mr. Hornung, who was known around the parts as "Duke," noticed several avocado trees growing in one corner of his property. He could have cut them down. Cows and avocados don't mix. However, he was intrigued enough to clear the land around the trees, and then took the next step of notifying Dr. J. Eliot Coit.
"Coit," I wondered. I'd heard of him. He is known as the Father of the Avocado Industry in California for his work in this particular field. He earned a Masters Degree in Horticulture from Cornell University in 1907 and would later serve as professor at UC Berkeley and Farm Advisor in Los Angeles County. What was Coit doing in Bangor?
What was he doing? He was collecting budwood from the now mature trees on Mr. Hornung's ranch. Budwood that would later become the Duke was sent to nurseries around California. This is how the Duke was born.
Duke Avocados: Shiny Green and Thin Skinned |
I could bore you with more details from this 1963 report, which you can find here, but I'll spare the details. What really jumped out at me is this passage on Page 3:
"In the Alta Loma area Duke trees withstood temperatures of 21 °F during the 1937 freeze and bloomed that spring, while Fuerte trees in the same locations were severely damaged."
So the Duke survived freezes that knocked other groves flat? This suddenly got very interesting. Slowly, as I read more about the Duke, I knew that this was the avocado tree for our frosty Northern California backyard. It gets cold in the Bird Back 40, but we've never had any type of cold snap that can compare to the 1937 freeze, which decimated not just avocado groves, but citrus as well.
The next step was obvious. I immediately started searching for a source where I could buy the Duke Avocado tree. Try as you might, you cannot kill these trees from freezing conditions. The Duke rootstock, I would later learn, is also resistant to a scourge called Phytophthora root rot, which develops in areas with clay soils that offer poor drainage.
Green-Yellow Leaves of the Duke Avocado |
This happens to describe much of the Bird Back 40.
Everything I read about the Duke screamed "THIS IS THE TREE YOU'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR!" I had to find a source! This was it! The avocado tree that I couldn't possibly kill! The perfect birthday gift for the wife that is Venus! "She'll be thrilled," I thought.
It was -- right about that point -- where I would run into that good, ol' proverbial brick wall. This wonderful tree, which is the heirloom of all heirloom avocado trees on the Left Coast, is no longer propagated commercially. Duke trees haven't been grown for decades. They were abandoned long before I was born, long before the 1963 Avocado Yearbook report was written.
Talk about letting the air out of that proverbial balloon. The balloon just didn't deflate. It popped in my face. Not only did the major citrus suppliers, like Four Winds Growers, not carry the Duke, they'd never heard of it before. Weeks of searching, emails and phone calls yielded the same results: "No Dukes here, would you like a Bacon Avocado instead?"
Original Duke Avocado Trees |
I wasn't interested in watching another Bacon Avocado tree slowly turn black and die, so, no thanks. The customer service department at Four Winds Growers got so annoyed with my constant pestering that they fired off a non-flattering email which I will not share with you here. Needless to say, I won't be purchasing anything from Four Winds anymore.
Why was the Duke abandoned and why was it abandoned so long ago? That search would lead me back to the 1963 Avocado Yearbook report and other scraps and pieces about the Duke variety that I could find online. This particular passage, from the Yearbook report, stood out:
Duke Avocado in June-Ripens in September |
So, that was it. The Duke did not ship well. It did not package well. I would learn elsewhere that Duke fruit was also prone to cracking, forming concentric circles at the bottom. The trees, as I would later discover, were "alternate bearing." That means in some years you get a good crop, and in some years you get squat. It is for these reasons, that the Duke was abandoned so very long ago.
That is when the first beam of light would hit me. These terms sounded very familiar. They are the same things I've read about heirloom tomato varieties like Brandywine, Kelloggs Breakfast, Campbells 1327, Pruden's Purple and so many others. Heirloom tomatoes were often abandoned by growers because they didn't ship well, or they were prone to cracking or prone to disease. Commercial growers want fruit that can withstand bumpy rides on a truck through dusty, pothole filled, country roads.
Now ask yourself: What tastes better? A vine-ripened Brandywine tomato or that rock disguised as a tomato in the produce section of your local supermarket? Argument over. There was nothing wrong with the Duke Avocado. I would later learn that it's one of the best tasting avocados you can find, provided you can find it. The Duke was abandoned simply because it didn't provide the profit margin that commercial growers wanted.
Sacramento Chapter: CRFG |
I joined the Sacramento Chapter of the California Rare Fruit Growers (CRFG) last year because I was interested in grafting onto fruit trees that are already growing and growing well in the Bird Back 40. It was there where I would find the budwood I wanted, plus kinship with others who are just as crazy as I am when it comes to fruit produced in your own backyard. These people know fruit. They also know citrus and avocados.
David Johnson heads up the CRFG Chapter in Central California. This man has been growing avocados and other citrus for decades. Entering the backyard of his Waterford home is akin to entering a rainforest. Not only did David know about the Duke, he shared locations of old avocado trees in the San Joaquin Valley that could possibly be related to the Duke tree. Since the Duke hasn't been propagated commercially for decades, word-of-mouth has it that the old, giant avocado trees sprinkled here and there in the countryside are, in fact, Dukes.
But, there's a problem with word-of-mouth. Word-of-mouth can sometimes be wrong. That massive, 50 foot tall and 50 foot wide avocado tree that outlived the person who planted it eons ago might be a Duke. Then again, it might not. There are many of these trees scattered throughout the San Joaquin and Sacramento Valleys as I would come to find. Long ago abandoned, the fruit is often stripped from the trees at harvest and sold at local flea markets.
Avocado Root Stock |
While David couldn't provide an exact location for a tree -- he did have something that I very much needed: avocado root stock. I had long ago come to the conclusion that I was not going to find a Duke tree to purchase. I would have to find an old Duke, somewhere, take budwood from it, and graft said budwood to root stock. David has been collecting avocado seeds from different trees for decades. Since the origin of the trees he had collected from are long since gone, he has given them "valley specific" names such as the "Newman No Freeze."
With root stock procured, one problem was solved. But it wasn't the biggest problem I would face. Where could I find an original Duke? The 1963 Avocado Yearbook report indicated the parent tree on the Hornung property was dead. But many cuttings had been taken from this tree. Successful grafting had taken place. I wasn't about to go hunting around on the grounds of the old Sunnyslope Nursery. That area is still fairly rural, and one just doesn't "wander" onto private ranch land without the risk of receiving a keester full of buckshot.
There had to be a better way.
Old Oroville Train Depot |
My search for an original Duke tree would lead me in a circle back to the home range of the Duke Avocado: Butte County. Thanks to my years of service in the 4th Senate District, under Senator Sam Aanestad, I do have some connections and friends there. None are quite as insane as I am when it comes to fruit trees, but they did promise to help in my quest. I knew that the Duke could not have died out. I strongly suspected that several still existed. They do.
Help would come from a rather surprising source. Many phone calls and emails that I made in my quest for the Duke were never returned. While I had been advised to check with the Chico Farmers Market, I quickly discovered that the people who run these affairs don't return phone calls or emails. Unless you're a grower with something to sell, getting someone to call you back can be quite difficult.
Out of frustration one night I ran across the name of Joseph "Joe" Connell, Farm Advisor and County Director of the University of California Cooperative Extension in Butte County. I shared the link of the 1963 Avocado Yearbook report and requested his help. Had he heard of the Duke?
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Paydirt! Eureka! It's a DUKE! |
It is, at this point, where I must thank Joseph profusely for his assistance. Not only had he heard of the Duke, he also knew of its storied history. One of the Farm Advisors pictured in the 1963 Yearbook report, Clem Meith, had been his mentor. He not only shared his passion for the Duke, he also shared something much more important.
Mr. Connell's reply to my email contained a color photograph of a very old avocado tree located in downtown Oroville. It was a photo he had taken many years earlier, and it was based upon an old black and white photo contained in the archives of the UC Riverside Department of Botany and Plant Sciences. The old photo, taken in 1956, identified the tree in question as an original Duke Avocado. Mr. Connell would later duplicate the photo with a digital camera.
Introduction Garden at the Oroville Depot |
There it was. There was no question this time. Everything matched. Leaves on the Duke Avocado tree are unlike any other avocado. They are a shiny yellow green in color, thinner than most avocado leaves and Duke trees grow to a massive size. As I gazed upon the photo that Joseph provided, I knew that I'd finally found what I'd been searching for: an original Duke avocado tree.
I would soon come to discover that the Duke tree, plus another planted nearby, was in an old Introductory Garden planted near the old Oroville Depot. The railroad giants that once served our area planted these gardens next to depots like the Oroville Depot, to give visitors from the east an introduction to California and the agricultural promise the Left Coast offered.
Although passenger rail service died out long ago in Oroville, someone made a brilliant decision to keep and preserve the Depot as well as the original Introductory Garden. Though not as big as it once was, more than the Duke Avocado grows on this plot of land. There are figs here, olive trees, persimmons plus a few others that I could not identify. The Depot was long ago converted into a restaurant and banquet facility. It is now home to the Western Pacific Brewing Company, where they make a mean nachos served with freshly baked Indian Fry Bread chips. The beer is just as tasty and ice cold, a perfect treat after examining and procuring budwood from an original Duke avocado tree.
Now the Western Pacific Brewery |
The trip proved even more worthwhile after we greeted a visitor in the Oroville Depot who related stories about the avocado tree we were so interested in. "The fruit ripens in September," he told us. "It produces long, green avocados with skin so thin, some people enjoy them with the skin still on." Although he could not remember the actual name of the tree, everything he told us fell right into place with what I've discovered about the Duke so far. The thin skins of the Duke are the tipoff. It's why the fruit bruises easily during transport from farm to market.
Venus and I departed Oroville with just enough budwood for three grafts. The Duke has been meticulously cared for through the years, from metal struts that keep massive limbs from collapsing to Plaster of Paris to repair massive gaps and holes that have developed over time. A tree like this deserves to be treated with respect. It was.
Cleft Graft-Duke Avocado |
The avocado seedlings that I have under a shaded porch in the Bird Back 40 now hold three grafts -- which include two cleft grafts and one veneer graft. It is the first time I have ever tried a veneer graft. I'm hopeful that the grafts will take. But, if there's one thing I've learned about grafting it's this: It takes time and patience. These grafts, if they do grow, will not grow overnight. I've been told it can take anywhere from two weeks to two months before a graft can be proven successful.
As with any venture, time will tell. But this is my story. With a little luck and time, the Duke will ride again.

Find a followup to the Duke Avocado adventure posted here.
Awesome sleuthing! I hope you are blessed with a bountiful and tasty harvest down the road. Maybe there will be one extra for a loyal fan to purchase?
Boo to Four Winds, but hurrah to Joe Connell and the others who helped in your journey to a hopeful avocado nirvana.
The Duke is a big tree. How many 40s deep is the Bird back?!!
An impressive recounting of an impressive search for your quarry. The question: Will your back forty contain a full-sized Duke once it becomes full-sized? We're always up for some guac at thecookhousegarden if you find yourself with surplus 'cados.
The "Bird Back 40" is nothing more than a common quarter-acre that holds a tract home, numerous cats, a lazy dog and two nutso gardeners. Like most fruit trees, the Duke will have to be trimmed meticulously, provided the grafts take. But wifey and I will be LONG GONE from this earth before the tree ever gets that large. Although I have no clue of when that avocado tree was planted in the Oroville Depot, if it was planted to "greet visitors from the East," you can bet it was planted decades ago. Passenger train service in Oroville stopped in 1970. Long time ago.
Great post! My husband came across this while looking for more info on growing avocados in Sacramento. We had given up on the idea and opted for pluots instead. I love doing research like this.
Bill, I stumbled onto your post after reading a brief account about an unsuccessful attempt to get some Duke seedlings established in a Chico area garden in the current issue of Edible Shasta Butte. Thank you for sharing this important information. It seems that someone ought to be trying to propagate these old trees and doing a systematic evaluation of the suitability of the Duke strain for home and commercial use. I hope your grafts take! Looking forward to updates.
Interesting. I did not know the article in question had been written by Jeremy Miller. Been trying to reach the man for eons, as he tried to grow Duke trees from seed, and had indicated some success in a blog posting from two years ago. The last report was attempting to plant his seedlings outdoors. There were no other updates. And he would not return email messages. His report is not online yet. I'm looking forward to seeing it someday.
" Many people connected with the industry believe the fruit to be of only fair quality." That's the quote from that 1963 report you chose to ignore.
Bill, go back to Oroville in September and try the fruit before you plant omething that will shade out your tomatoes.
Excuse me, but someone needs to change their name from "Fred" to "Debbie Downer." If you choose to do further research on the Duke, you'll find other taste reports. I simply wasn't going to include them all. But, as to your advice, I will.
Have you had a chance to check out the taste? How are your grafts doing? I live in Tracy, and am hoping that the Duke will work for me. I'm going to check with the growers you posted. Thanks!
One of the sad thing about replying to comments is this: I don't know if the reader follows up! Many times an email address is not left behind. Oh well, Liana, here's the deal. We're about ten days away from Duke season up north. Chaffin Family Orchards has indicated they'll have Duke Avocados at the farmers markets they serve by the second week in October. There is another grower who shows up at the farmer's market in Auburn with avocados that I'm told are similar to the Duke, which would indicate the presence of other Duke trees or perhaps an unknown Duke grove. Through further research, I've discovered that both Duke trees in the Oroville Depot Garden are true, grafted Duke trees. I'm not sure what the scion source is or was, but there's no question that both are grafts. So, I will attempt to pull some avocados from these trees and do a taste test comparison with fruit purchased from the Chaffin operation. Something tells me I won't be able to tell much a difference... As for finding a tree source? Good luck. You cannot get a true Duke from planting Duke seed. The Avocado Yearbook report from 1963 makes this point quite clear. The only way to get a true Duke is to obtain scions from an original Duke tree and start grafting. I should write a second posting on this, because I have two people working on this project, they are far better at grafting than I am, and they are getting some amazing results...
I followed up! Actually, I thought I had put in an email, too, but apparently not. I have never tried grafting before, but I'm considering it. Both to try and get an avo tree appropriate to our climate (my FIL had one that was dissapointing) and I'm thinking of trying to graft some of my friend's wonderful pears onto my Granny Smith tree. If I ever have a reason to be in Oroville (and I might) I may try to obtain scions...
I have grafted, successfully, but not at the level required for 100% success. Instead I turned to two others who have a 25-year head start on me. Believe me when I tell you it's news when these guys produce a graft that doesn't take. I haven't seen the finished results yet, nor any photos. I just hear that the grafts have been successful and soon I'll be picking up a few trees. The big test, of course, will come during the first real freeze in my North Natomas backyard. I think I've got a spot where these trees will be protected, but only time will tell. This has been an interesting project to say the least. A number of people have emailed me privately with reports of Duke sightings or to thank us for bringing this variety back from the dead. The oil content of the Duke is higher than the Hass. I've been told by "avocado snobs" that the higher the oil content, the better the avocado. We'll see. I haven't tasted one yet. But I will soon. Actually, my wife will be the real test as Venus is the true avocado snob in the family
Just stopping by to say Hello and I totally enjoyed reading your blog, especially the 'Duke rides again' article. We were up in the Oroville area recently (David Johnson's friend) and came back with Duke avocado fruit, I actually ate skin and all on a few fruits. I liked the flavor, kind of reminded me a little of the Bacon avocado variety. I'm planning to plant the seeds after a 24 hour GA3 soak, I believe that will also give the seedlings a better start...right after I get my Fava beans and Garlic planted this weekend. Best wishes! :-)
Maybe you should think of starting a project to get these trees back on the market. I'm sure you would have customers lined up for them.
Highly doubtful. Major suppliers never move backwards, always forwards. It's why heirloom tomatoes are, in fact, heirlooms. Major suppliers tried them. Major suppliers abandoned them. They don't go back.
Besides, I get the idea that the major suppliers want you to fork over $25 per year for a tree that dies that first winter. They keep getting that extra $25. These people aren't dumb.
HEY BILL, enjoyed your article. I live north of Chico and I have also been searching for a NON FREEZING AVOCADO, that will grow in stoney clay soil. MY SISTER has a tree growing in her back yard in Chico we didnt know the name of it, I did some online research and thought it was a FUERTE but it may be The " DUKE" it is very thin skinned bruises easy and is ripe in SEPTEMBER - I have tasted them they are very mild but creamer then HASS, pretty good! I have started the seed and have potted --- but now I know you cant grow a DUKE From seeds! Bummer! What root stalk will work to graft to?
Hi Cheryl!
Thanks for reading and posting. Yeah, I would be real interested in seeing that tree, since I'm documenting the locations of possible Duke and Benedict trees. The Benedict is even more rare than the Duke, but they exist up there. Both are cold hardy. If the fruit on this tree ripens in September/October? That's right within range of the Duke. But I would need to see it first, a real close up look, and compare it with the Dukes I've discovered in Oroville. How old is the tree do you think? Ancient? If it is, it could be. Could also be a Ganter or one of several old varieties that were the rage of the day. As for rootstock? Duke is the best. Growing Duke seed makes perfect rootstock, BUT, you need to find an original Duke, take scions (cuttings) from it and graft, graft, graft.
Thanks for the info Bill!, We would love for you to check out this tree and let us know what it is. I am not sure how old the tree is, I know the former owner of the property planted many fruit trees and I think they lived there for like 30 years. I am in Chico just about every Friday. So let me know when you can be in the area. You can email me at cheryllynnj62@gmail.com. I look forward to hearing from you.
Got myself 27 fruits from the original Duke trees, thanks to the strong winds the other day. These will be grown as rootstock to be tested for cold hardiness and salt tolerance. Thanks Bill Bird!!!
I just had my first Duke avocado and now am suffering with this knowledge that the plant itself is impossible to get! I need someone else to do the grafting (no idea how to do that) and sell it to me!!! I'm desperate man! :)
Contact me at billbird@gmail.com. I may have an answer to your woes. You are not the only person interested in procuring your own Duke Avocado tree. Limited production of these trees is now underway -- probably the first wide-scale production of the Duke variety in 60-70 years...
Great article! I live a few hours from Oroville, so I might have to see if I can't get some seeds this September. I've had a ton of luck growing avocados from seed by throwing them into my backyard compost pile-- maybe some Dukes will take! :)
Thank you E.S.! The Duke is prized as root stock material. It's resistant to root rot and a few other things. It was once widely used as a root stock by major nurseries, but has since been abandoned for other, more recent root stock varieties like Topa Topa and others.
Are you still producing Duke trees? If so, where can one be obtained? Please email me at jon19696@yahoo.com. Thank you
2 of my 6 Duke seeds obtained from Chico Farmres market last fall are growing nicely. I only tried to grow them because they tasted so yummy that I had to give it a go. In big pots and i'll move them indoors when it gets cold......got my fingers crossed.
Thanks for the blog. We too have gone through a number of different varieties of avocado with no success. Then I found your blog. Very interesting.
Any update for 2015?
Yeah, believe it or not, I just noticed tiny avocados on the Duke tree this morning. They are pea-sized to be sure. But they are there. The Duke tree grows prolifically fast. It reached the six foot mark last October. It's at nine feet now and still expanding at a rather eye-popping and outstanding pace. I've never seen a fruit tree grow so dang fast.
Thanks for the prompt reply. I live in Folsom and will contact the Chaffin Family Orchards to see if I have any options this year for the Duke's. This would make a great present for my son.
Thanks again.
I did contact the Orchard and they do not sell any Duke's and the person who was propagating them has passed away.
My quest continues.
I didn't realize the Chaffin (Albrecht) family knew anyone who had been propagating these trees. I know the original person who did the propagating for the ranch probably is no longer around (they were planted a long time ago). That's the rub, Bill. No commercial provider propagates these trees anymore. The only way to get one, is to make one yourself. That's exactly what I did -- and I'm no expert when it comes to grafting. While I've done my fair share of it, there are people who are much, much, much better at this skill than I am.
I may have misunderstood the conversation about propagating but grafting sounds like my only option. I will continue my research and see where it leads me. Thanks again for sharing your blog and information.
Grafting = propagation. You can't get a true Duke tree unless you graft scions from an original Duke tree to an avocado root stock. Planting Duke seeds will result in Duke root stock. But it will not result in Duke Avocados. They do not grow true from seed. Email me Bill, billbird@gmail.com
Haven't read the entire thread, but regarding Duke's taste, I can tell you that it is scrumptious. I grew up with a Duke tree that still stands and bears outside the family home. Duke's flavor is nutty and it has a buttery consistency, perfect for spreading on a cracker. If you are an avocado connoisseur you must treat yourself to a Duke.
Hello! I am interested in a duke avocado tree. Ice been looking for nearly two years!! I am willing to pay or to swap a rare French fig variety from my collection for a strong and grafted duke. Email me: devin.Isgro@Gmail.Com. I can't wait to hear from you !!!
Very interesting & amazing story. But NOW I Want a Duke avocado............ - But I live in So. Ark - And would love to grow a Duke tree.
I have found Duke trees growing across the country -- from Arizona to Florida and all points in between. Chances are -- the Duke tree grows somewhere in Southern Arkansas. The Duke has survived everywhere it's been planted. However -- for some reason -- it's not at all productive on the coast.
Hello Bill, I have been reading your story and cant help but get sucked in. I'm a plant junky and just purchased 1.25 acres and want to densely plant fruiting trees. Of coarse I cant just stick to the typical apples and pears I need to push the envelope. My zone is 8b which also falls into north Florida and Georgia. In south Carolina there is a guy with a large Satsuma plantation so I should have no issues with growing that other than the question of ripening. I also watched a video of a guy growing meyer lemons on Vancouver island with row covers during cold snaps. So I am wondering if you have ever heard of anyone growing any avocado species this far north? I did come across a 4 year old blog about a guys neighbor growing a 13year old mexicola grande in Gaston Oregon near Salem. My biggest concern is our long rainy season causing issues. Any advice will be hugely appreciated! Thanks, Bryan Rezendez
Sorry Bill this is Bryan Rezendez again. I just realized I totally forgot to tell you were exactly I live lol. The land I purchased is in Portland Oregon!
The Duke should do just fine up where you are. I know it grows in the foothills of California and there are a few trees up above the snow line. I've never seen them -- but I've been told about them from people visiting Farmer's Markets here and there in the foothill area. I've discovered old Duke trees in places like Arizona and Florida of all places -- just about 30 miles outside of Miami. So these trees seem to do well outside of California. As for me, Bryan, the Duke has been absolutely bulletproof. The tree grew another five to six feet this year. It's now about 13-15 feet high - so I will not be able to protect the upper branches with heat producing, C-9 Christmas lights this winter. The tree produced five pieces of fruit this year in only its second year, which was a major surprise. They are now ripe for the picking. So -- your problem isn't the variety. The Duke is the tree for you. The problem is OBTAINING a Duke tree. They are not grown commercially anymore. My advice? Find and join the rare fruit growers organization in your area and start asking questions about obtaining Duke trees. You're likely to find someone in that local organization who knows all about the Duke line, and where you might be able to obtain a tree or two for yourself. My single tree has not required a pollinator tree nearby. The closest trees to the Duke are a Bearss Lime and a small variegated pink lemon bush.
Thank you Bill for your fast reply! I recently joined the Home Orchard Society but haven't been involved long enough to know who has the same interest as myself. October 17 and 18 they host the All About Fruit Show and in late February they have a grafting party. I'm sure I will meet the right people soon enough. I to hold the same passion you do for collecting these amazing fruit crop plants. My brother lives in Alameda so I might have just found a secondary reason to go visit him! An 8 hour drive is well worth it to obtain a scion from this amazing rare historical avocado!
Thanks again, Bryan Rezendez
This is the link to a video of Bob Duncan of Fruit Trees and More Nursery & Demonstration Orchard in Sidney BC, Canada growing lemons and limes outdoors!
This is Stan Mckenzie of Mckenzie Farms in Scranton, South Carolina. He is famous for growing Satsuma Mandarins and other hardy citrus varieties.
I was raised in Oroville and live here again. I've been hearing about "the avocado tree by the depot" for quite sometime and didn't really believe it. We went out to find it the other day but didn't recognize it for an avocado tree but after finding your article, it turns out that we were looking at the right tree. Thanks for the info and detective work.
Hi there Bill! I too am on a quest to get a duke avacado tree and have enjoyed reading about your quest and triumph! I live in Tucson Arizona where a standing grove of 300 Duke avacado trees once stood at Ranchos Palos Verdes back in the 30's. I have a passion for gardening and everything edible. I want to bring the Duke back to Tucson but I don't know where to begin. I would greatly appreciate any information you could provide me or insight you might pass along! I look forward to your reply, happy gardening!
A nursery in Waterford is carrying Duke and some other rate avocado trees.
I hope to try a Duke someday. I am growing a few varieties. I live in East Contra Costa county near the Delta and of course the more Mexican varieties do well and what I would recommend for Northern California.
If I owned a lot of land I try Duke too.
Fuerte doesn't do well on the coasts either because of salt in the air.
True but on the other hand if you like variety or live in a cold area like Sacramento and have space then why not? I once had a Bacon and removed it due to criticism I read online yet when I eventually tried one I loved it because it is unique and good. The same with Zutano which also gets thrown under the bus and although if someone is expecting it to taste like Hass they may be disappointed but in a sandwich, or with eggs or in a salad or a smoothie they would probably enjoy it and in some cases even more than Hass. I like Hass for Mexican food and Guacamole but for other things I actually prefer a milder tasting avocado that doesn't drown out the other flavors.
True but on the other hand if you like variety or live in a cold area like Sacramento and have space then why not? I once had a Bacon and removed it due to criticism I read online yet when I eventually tried one I loved it because it is unique and good. The same with Zutano which also gets thrown under the bus and although if someone is expecting it to taste like Hass they may be disappointed but in a sandwich, or with eggs or in a salad or a smoothie they would probably enjoy it and in some cases even more than Hass. I like Hass for Mexican food and Guacamole but for other things I actually prefer a milder tasting avocado that doesn't drown out the other flavors.
Fuerte doesn't do well on the coasts either because of salt in the air.
A nursery in Waterford is carrying Duke and some other rate avocado trees.
I hope to try a Duke someday. I am growing a few varieties. I live in East Contra Costa county near the Delta and of course the more Mexican varieties do well and what I would recommend for Northern California.
If I owned a lot of land I try Duke too.
That's no nursery Greg. That's David Johnson's backyard in Waterford. David is a long time member of the California Rare Fruit Growers. He's the one who grafted my Duke from bud wood that I procured from an ancient Duke tree at the Western Pacific Rail Road Depot in downtown Oroville. Sadly, the brewery that opened up there after the steakhouse closed failed, and the entire ball of wax is now up for sale. It's a bargain too! That's because downtown Oroville is essentially dead. At any rate, the trees that David is offering are from the bud wood that I got for him over a number of years. He's got so many Duke starter plants now that he doesn't need my bud wood anymore. And, sadly, I lost the house where my Duke was planted. It belongs to someone else now.
I know Bill it is a crying shame what happened to you, as you know, I had the same thing happen to me decades ago, and the same thing happened to another of our local CRFG members not too many years ago.
And yes, I have Oroville Duke trees that I am trying to find a home for; plus some others that are at least hardy down to the low 20s and lower, they have never been damaged; assume they can take down to the high teens like the Mexicola. Some are smaller trees, that do not get as huge as the Duke.
I have found that most people just go to a nursery and buy the regular stuff that is offered; but most winter varieties like the Bacon that mature in the winter are not very good; they tend to be far better in warmer winter areas like SoCal, of course which is not what we are like in the Central Valley The Bacon is not a high oil fruit and over the winter they become watery and sweet.
If you want Hass like, and you can protect them next to your home, I would go with a Dwarf Gem ore etc, I have found that such Hass like avocados if given a little protection next to a home, do just fine; dwarf just makes it a lot easier.
I agree on the growing the Guatamalan varieties by the house. I have a Reed, Pinkerton and Lamb Hass near the house (East Contra Costa) and they are all happy and I didn't even paint the trunks on any of my trees even though heat seems to be a buffet bigger threat here than frost.
As to So Cal I think it is also true that the Hass is tastier there too which is why I chose not to grow that since it is in every store as well but I have had some great Bacon in Northern California, although the taste is very different from Hass I like them for variety. When every avo is a Hass I get bored. I have also seen some people claim that Bacon is their favorite.
Sorry to hear about your house Bill. I know a lot of people who lost their homes and it is beyond comprehension.
I appreciate all the comments and feedback on here. I am obsessed my avocados and happy to find that I am not alone.
I noticed that you offer other trees which are smaller.
Can you tell us about them? A local nursery here has a local Mexicola type variety and a "green Hass" variety they call it probably Gwen or similar.
I also recently found a youtube video with the couple that run Epicenter in Santa Cruz county titled on the Edge of Avocados. Lots of good info for Nor Cal growing where they discuss which varieties do well up here and which don't.
Message to "UNKNOWN."
It would be nice if you left your name and contact so I could provide you with the information you want. Is it really that much trouble for you to sign in and leave your name and contact information behind? I promise, I will not sell it to a spammer. I hate them just as much as you do.
First and foremost, this is not David's blog. It's mine. My name is Bill. You might be referring to David Johnson, member of the California Rare Fruit Growers, and the extremely gifted and knowledgeable fruit tree breeder and grafter who created my former Duke Avocado tree as well as so many others. But, I don't know. You've left absolutely nothing behind in terms of being able to contact you. I'd like to be able to tell David that you stopped by and inquired about these things. But I can't. It's rather frustrating to me as you might be able to tell.
If you do happen to stop by again someday please leave YOUR NAME and a way to CONTACT YOU.
Thank you,
Bill Bird
billbird@gmail.com (See? It's not hard!)
I've now changed the settings on the blog to no longer allow comments from UNKNOWN. I invite you to leave comments behind. I'm delighted to get them. I'm delighted to answer questions. However, now you will be required to sign in with a user name AND contact information before you're allowed to post any comment. Thank you.
Yes, I realize it does get confusing when people don't leave names.
This is Greg. I have been posting for awhile on here. I live in Brentwood with 6 avocado trees, among other things, and although I don't have space for more I often end up in conversations where I to recommend to people about which varieties to grow in Northern California.
I am sure I will plant more trees in the future both for myself and others so I was hoping to find out what other local varieties there are.
Greg again. I also would not mind trying to get some budwood. I can always graft some varieties onto my other trees.
Well, see what I know? Try to outlaw "UNKNOWN" from posting and UNKNOWN posts. I would check with David directly, Greg. He's not following the blog all that often. He's at davidlj48@hotmail.com.
Hi, just god this article while looking for an avocado tree for my yard in Woodland. I grew up in Oroville so having a duke tree would be awesome. Do you know if the are graftinga duke to a dwarf stock. I am look in for something that won't get bigger than 15 feet.
Hi there Bill! I too am on a mission to get a duke avacado tree and have enjoyed reading about your quest, triumph, and loss! I live in Tucson, Arizona where a standing grove of 300 Duke avacado trees once stood at Ranchos Palos Verdes back in the 30's. I have a passion for gardening and everything edible and I want to bring the Duke back to Tucson but I don't know where to begin. I would greatly appreciate any information you could provide me or insight you might pass along regarding where I might able to get my hands on root stock and bud wood! I look forward to your reply, happy gardening!
Im also on a determined mission to get scions off a duke tree i plan to grow in fresno county when i move back to cal, if someone has leads on Duke scions call shane at 208 544-8147
This is shane again not sure my email was included in my post its hondahshane@yahoo.com or 208 544-8147 does anyone know if David in waterford still has small duke trees to sale ? Or if anyone willing to sell me scions- shipped in mail to me, and has anyone visited the duke tree by the depot in oroville lately to know if its still there ? Gary grag in bay area plans to propagate the duke to sell he has a recent video put up on youtube a month ago standing by a hughe old duke tree i guess taken at the chaffin farm.
Theses post say duke can handle cold temps lower than fuerte and mexicola types has anyone had a duke surnive cali foothills 2000 to 2500 foot elevation without frost protection say going down to between 18 to 22 degrees and if so did the duke trees have and major dieback? Also im wondering if the dule will flower too early in high cali foothills to possibly not survive a late freeze in cali high foothills does anyone have any duke fruiting up that high ?
Im also interested in fruit hang time on tree, i know some avo kinds need to be on tree a year and longer, so what is the ideal hang time on a duke to give plenty of time for oil content to develop ?
Did the Duke 7 rootstock come from the early duke trees? And for the pros out there does it perform well ? is it known for fast tree growth, high fruit production or mainly root rot resistance ?
Too bad brokaw wont take an interest in propagating the duke but since few see the duke as a commercial type im guessing thats the reason why , they wont propagate lower than 100 trees for a special custom order on a certain rootstock .
Our tree is finally doing well after some tough years..... we only have one DUKE in our orchard. Its about 6 Ft tall and has been in the ground for about 4/5 years.. still no fruit.... what are we doing wrong???? mike and kathie
Is your duke tree grown from a duke seed or is it a grafted duke ?
If you want a true Duke tree, it must be grafted from an existing Duke tree. You can always plant a seed, but whatever comes up will not be a Duke. As for the Duke not producing after 4-5 years, I don't know. Mine started producing in the second year and delivered monster crops every year after until the house was sold in 2017. I assume the Duke 7 root stock came from a Duke tree, but that's just an assumption. I have no idea. That was not the root stock that was used for my Duke tree. Duke avocados form in the spring and are ready for harvest in September-October. That's when the oil content is highest. Leaving the fruit on the tree does not increase the oil content. The mother Duke tree in Oroville IS in the foothills and has survived countless freezes. Many Duke trees are located in and around the Sierra Nevada range.
Hi Bill, I can get a piece of a Duke tree. But what do I graft it onto? My name is Terry I live in Grass Valley Cal. my email. triplehranch3@gmail.com Thank you, Terry
Bill, Its Jeremy Miller. I just stumbled across your blog. Sorry you couldn't reach me, my email changed. And no, still no luck with getting any of my trees (grown from a pit) to fruit, though I gave a few seedings in 1 gallon pots away about a decade ago, and a couple of folks reported success. They might have been Bacons though. Cheers, Jeremy
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