Now -- to be perfectly honest? We did enjoy this MONSTER Moon & Stars Watermelon this morning for breakfast. I don't know how this melon got into the 25 lb. range. It certainly isn't supposed to get this large. But it did -- it was -- and boy was it ever good.
The cantaloupe harvest -- however -- has a somewhat different story. More on that in a moment. I haven't finished bragging yet about the Moon & Stars.
So we left them on the vine.
That wait paid off in droves on this Labor Day Monday. The vine connecting to the monster sized Moon & Stars melon had mysteriously died off. I wouldn't find out why until today. But, since the vine had died off weeks earlier, it was time to bring it in and cut it open.
But the best part is -- there's a lot leftover. And the seeds from this "Monster Melon" will be saved for next season.
When the vine that produced this monster first started to die back two weeks ago -- I was more than concerned. Why that vine? What went wrong? Why didn't the other vines die off? Why just that one vine? Was it chemical? Was it critter? Those answers would come today in the form of a surprise.
We've been picking ripe cantaloupes for the past month, without giving it much thought. Some were on the small side -- but there were also a few "champion" cantaloupes that I've been watching grow with anticipation. The time to pick one of those melons came just this morning -- and boy was I disappointed.
When I attempted to harvest one of these cantaloupes with the hopes of saving something -- that nice, firm, orange rind suddenly collapsed inward. The melon was GONE -- or as the photo to your left clearly shows -- half gone. What had gone wrong?
The answer lay underneath each cantaloupe in my raised bed. Do you know what I found? A critter hole! A family -- or several families -- of Voles (mice) had not only invaded the raised bed -- they managed to avoid the detection of the four hunter-killer cats that regularly patrol the backyard.
The voles had avoided detection by digging a series of tunnels up from the main home to just underneath the cantaloupe target in question. From the underside -- they managed to easily pierce the cantaloupe and muskmellon rind -- and proceeded to literally clean out the inside of each melon.
From the top view? Everything looked fine and dandy. I saw ripening melons. But underneath? A different story completely. The moles had been hard at work. Telltale holes are everywhere underneath the melon patch -- and it was there where I found the remains of the Moon & Stars vine that produced the giant melon pictured above.
As it turns out -- the moles couldn't pierce the rind of watermelons like the Moon & Stars -- but that didn't matter. They ate away at the root system of the vine instead -- until it eventually died off. Mystery solved. It wasn't chemical. It was critter.
At that point they will come under the watchful eyes and teeth of the four hunter-killer cats that patrol the backyard. Once the cats begin to figure out where the mole families are located -- well -- it's the beginning of the end. A few will survive. They always do.
Will we plant melons again? Do voles like cantaloupe? This is -- by far -- the most awesome year of watermelon and cantaloupe production that I have ever experienced. Never before have Venus or I grown melons this large or this tasty. And the season still isn't quite over. The voles can't split open the melons like they can with the cantaloupe. They can try -- but the rind is just too tough for them.
Moon & Stars is an heirloom variety melon that grows well in just about any set of conditions and will serve you well in your Northern California backyard. Seeds are available from just about any mail-order supplier -- and if you're lucky -- you just might be able to snag a pack from your nearest Home Depot, Lowes or any other big box store. You can also find them at various nurseries such as Capital Nursery and Peaceful Valley Farm and Garden Supply in Nevada City.
As for us? We're already set for next year. The monster melon pictured above produced a bumper crop of large seeds.
That's one big melon you have there! And that green thing you're holding is big, too. Ha!
Bill, let me know what you plan to name next year's watermelon after you harvest it. Chances are, it'll be a cross of the Tom Watson and the Moon & Stars. Blame your bees.
Why are you always raining on my parade? Spreading manure on my manure? Just when I think I've done something fantastically right....
Oh well. I guess I'll be ordering new Moon & Stars seed -- along with new Tom Watson seed. Interestingly enough -- the moons never did appear on the melons. I've come to learn, on some varieties, they just don't.
What a bummer about the cantaloupes, Bill! I had a similar experience a few years back but it was Japanese Beetles that had done the damage. They burrowed into just about every melon in the patch. I think we harvested maybe 3or 4 from the entire vine. I have heard that if you place a piece of small gauge chicken wire or screening under each melon and line it with a piece of cheesecloth that it will stop not only pests but bottom rot as well. I know that we have to share with nature but c'mon give us a break! :)
Holy smokes, that is a monster melon! We picked up some Moon & Stars seeds after reading your last article. We'll see how they do for us next year.
By the way, my 4-year-old loves the Farm Fresh Onions song. "Mama, read the garden website with the onion song!" =)
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